Doggie Day Care - Pack of Dogs on Playground

Dog Daycare

What Happens at Dog Daycare

Dog Daycare is a supervised, fenced, leash-free place for your dogs to roam, play, and run all day long inside or outside. Dogs are pack animals and have internal instincts so this type of play is beneficial to their mental and physical health and well-being.

Dog Daycare

Indoors, the dogs play with each other. Outside activities include playing in the pools and the hose in the summertime, one of their favorite activities, and, in the winter, snowball games are just as much fun.  **Warning: dogs at play do get dirty.** Water and snow play can contribute to this so we do try to send your dog home as dry as possible.

Dogs are separated into appropriate play groups based on temperament and play style. Allowing them to play safe but have fun at the same time! They are supervised by our trained staff throughout the day and night.

A door to the playrooms.

We do not have mandatory nap time or breaks, since we are staffed at all times, but we have cots and toddler beds available in the play area for the dogs to take a break at any time. 

Fresh drinking water is available at all times.

(Timeout rooms/kennels used when needed)

Why us?

Front desk (Check-in)

Here at K-9 Kingdom, we offer a unique service many daycares around don’t offer: 24-hour staffing and indoor/outdoor options all day. Our staff is Cat & Dog First Aid Certified.

Required before Dayacre

  • New Dog trial
  • Required vaccinations: Rabies, Bordetella (known as Kennel Cough), and distemper/Hepatitis/Leptospirosis/Parainfluenza/Parvovirus (DHLPP or DHPP + Lepto)
  • Required preventatives: Year-round Heartworm, Year-round Flea, Annual fecal sample
  • Suggested vaccinations: Canine Influenza, Coronavirus, Lyme Disease

Dog Daycare Hours & Rates

Mon. – Fri. 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
$30 per day
$21 morning only (up to 5 hrs)
Ask about our 2nd dog discount

Benefits for you

  • No messy surprises when you get home from work
  • Peace of mind knowing your dog isn’t alone all day
  • A happy, tired pooch at the end of the workday

Save with Multi-Day Packages!


1 credit is for 1 day of daycare for 1 dog

Daycare PackagesCost/Cost per Day
5 Credits$125/$25
10 Credits$250/$25
15 Credits$375/$25
20 Credits$500/$25
Dog Treat Selection

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